Proud to Represent Canada in 2018 - Keren (David) R.

Our 2018 WMO Team members told us how they felt before competing about representing Canada in the WMO Global Finals in Stanford University, California on August 11, 2018. 

Keren (David) R. - Level 1 - Bronze Medalist from Richmond, British Columbia

Keren David Ren 1.jpg

“David is 10 years old and will be in Grade 5 this fall. He’s been taken the after-school classes in Spirit of Math for 2 years.

David really likes to do Math. Last year we were travelling during the contest time. So, we couldn’t enroll to take the previous contests. This year he didn’t wanna miss it again. It is so lucky to be selected as one member of Canada team Level 1 this year. He is so thrilled to have this chance.

I really appreciate what Spirit of Math has done for these kids. During the 2-week long training I can tell David enjoys the feeling to be challenged and to share his ideas with peers who are also interested in Math just like him and no doubt superior in Math as well. Moreover, he becomes much more self motivated after the training. I think it’s really good for him to know that there are way much unknown things he can learn from others, which pushes him to keep move on.

Best wishes to Canada team in WMO !"

Carol, David’s mom"

Nathan Langen